Life Cycle of a Tree
How We Grow Our Trees

The Seeds….
A tree will take at least 10 years to grow from seed until it is sold as a Christmas tree and during this time each tree will be nurtured and checked regularly.
The seeds are harvested in the Autumn and come from as far afield as Georgia, Russia and USA.
Seeds are planted and grown in nurseries until they are strong enough to be transplanted into the field.

The Young tree…
The transplants which we buy are about 25cms in height and come from nurseries where they have been grown for 3-4 years. We plant these transplants in either April or September in fields where they will stay until they are harvested.
The trees are left to grow for a few years. During these years they are continually monitored and given a supplement of natural organic sea weed and where necessary de-bugged.

The Nuturing ….
A tree will take at least 10 years to grow from seed until it is sold as a Christmas tree and during this time each tree will be nurtured and checked regularly.
The seeds are harvested in the Autumn and come from as far afield as Georgia, Russia and USA.
Seeds are planted and grown in nurseries until they are strong enough to be transplanted into the field.

The mature tree….
Every July we go through the plantations and mark trees that are of a suitable quality to be sold that Christmas. The tree is then measured and has a coloured label attached – it is now ready to be harvested.
When the Retail Shop opens we then cut the trees required, net them and bring them into the Yard to be checked over for quality and re measured. They are then ready to be put out for sale in our Retail Shed.
Once you have chosen your tree then we will net it and carry it to your car ready for you to take home and decorate.

The Plantations….
We are very conscious of protecting the environment and try to manage our trees in the best way possible. We have grass roadways in the plantations, which encourages the likes of insects, mice and voles. When working with trees in the plantations we regularly see Buzzards, Sparrow Hawks and other birds of prey hunting for small mice and the like. In fact, the plantations are a haven for wild life with many varieties of butterflies, spiders and small birds.
We have spent a lot of time and effort to make sure that we produce top quality Christmas trees that will give our customers a lot of pleasure and satisfaction at Christmas time.